These classes are suitable for any woman after your post natal check approximately 6 weeks after the birth (8-10 weeks after a caesarean birth), until your baby starts to crawl - no previous experience of yoga is necessary. You are very welcome to come along when you feel ready.
These classes are informal, friendly and relaxed. Your baby remains with you throughout the class and can join in with you. You are very welcome to feed / change your baby as necessary during the class. The class consists of gently toning the pelvic floor, back and abdominal muscles helping to realign and strengthen the pelvic area after birth. Attention is also given to movements that help relieve strain on the shoulders and back from feeding / cradling baby. Breathing and relaxation techniques are offered that help you to relax physical, mental and emotional stresses and strains and in turn can help to settle baby. They are particularly helpful for coping with lack of sleep and feelings of exhaustion. They help to revive your energy levels and balance the emotional and hormonal changes after birth.
The classes are a great way of getting to know other mums and babies in a friendly and supportive environment. Mums with twins may bring another person with them. Babies who have specific needs for example Cystic fibrosis, Downs Syndrome are also very welcome.
At the end of the class there is the opportunity for a chat and to link up with other mums and babies.
Please bring a yoga mat, cushion/pillow and blanket for yourself, a blanket for your baby and anything else you think your baby might need.
Developmental Baby Massage Through a parent's loving touch babies receive many physical and emotional benefits. The most powerful massage baby receives is during birth itself as baby is pushed through the birth canal. By continuing a similar pattern of physical stimulation as your baby develops you are following nature's way of boosting your baby's resilience. The techniques you learn will help with a variety of common digestive discomforts and teething pains. If your baby was born by c section, was premature, has Downs or Cystic Fibrosis, baby massage is even more beneficial. Massaging your baby strengthens all your baby's sytems - respiratory, circulatory, nervous, immune as well as musculo-skeletal system. It allows you to express emotional affection and meet your baby's need for physical contact. It helps to calm the emotions and relieve any trauma associated with birth and adapting to life outside the womb. It encourages confidence in handling baby and strengthens your relationship, particularly beneficial for fathers. As your baby grows and develops massage helps fulfill your baby's physical potential from birth to sitting, to standing and mobility. The massage techniques can be carried on into early childhood.
At teacher or parent's home by arrangement Sessions last 1 hour 15 mins
Group or 1-1 sessions, single session or course by arrangement